
oh january, how i loathe thy weather.

ahh the new year.  lets be honest for a moment.  this year WILL be the best year that i have ever had.  why is this?  because of all the years i have spent becoming an adult, this is the year that i finally get to say that i officially am one.  this year i graduate.  this year i move across the country.  this year i get a place of my own.  this year i start my business.  this year i get to start living the life that i dreamed for myself.  and this, my friends, is why the year 2011 is going to be the best year of my life.  will i have to work hard?  yes.  will i have to give up a lot of things?  yes.  but will it be worth it?  i hope so. 

some things that i have on my plate this coming month:
i have school.  first and foremost.
i have work, which is the easiest part of my week.
i have my integrative nutrition stuff which, lets be honest, has fallen on the back burner the past couple of months.  (but hopefully i can get this going again, and get it going strong)

i am not a fan of these subzero temperatures and consistently consistent snow storms.  they are making me poor and sick.  lets hope that spring comes sooner rather than later.

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